Professional advice in the event of a technical damage and a claim

Technical expert opinions in the fields of

  • machines, industrial plants, mechanical engineering

  • Claims Processing

  • Cause of damage & amount of damage

  • Value Appraisal

The Demage

Damage to machines, amount of damage, appraisals

Machinery damages, damages to machinery, plants and operating equipment have been investigated and handled here for almost 30 years. Companies, insurance companies and courts commission expert opinions to determine the cause of damage and the amount of damage in the case of property damage, machinery breakdown damage, liability damage and in legal disputes for the technical clarification of the essential facts.

Expert appraiser machines

Depending on the case of damage and especially in the case of major damage, the current value, new value and insurance value are determined.

Clients expect and receive informative expert reports that enable them to take the next necessary steps.

The public appointment and swearing-in as an expert as well as the international certification according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 prove this expertise.

The success and the credibility towards the client lies in

  • professional investigation of claims and tasks with appropriate analysis;
  • more efficient, effective way of doing things;
  • clear and binding communication without “conjunctivitis”;
  • Respecting existing rules, agreements and laws.
The reports meet the highest requirements. That is why we have long-standing partnerships with insurance companies and industrial companies.



Cause of damage, amount of damage,
Insurance values, etc.


Preservation of evidence, evaluation, claims management, etc.


Higher Regional Courts, Regional Courts, Local Courts

Experience with over 2000 companies

Due to the many claims in recent years, comprehensive know-how is available in the processing of claims, processes and the associated special pressure and cost situations.

Publicly appointed and sworn Expert for the “Analysis of causes of damage, vibration technology and durability on machines and their components” by the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Internationally certified Expert for “Machinery and equipment and their evaluation, structural mechanics and structural dynamics” according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 by EURO-ZERT.