Practice Machines

Expert activities in the field of “machinery, industrial plants and mechanical engineering” are always varied and always involve new problems, even with many years of work. Stay up to date with the latest articles on the topic.

Worth knowing

Here you will find current contributions and articles on special topics from the wide-ranging field of expert opinions on damage to machinery, valuations and the associated processing of a wide variety of claims. Discover informative posts and articles from the real world of mechanical engineering here.

Practical knowledge of machines

Immerse yourself in the tried and tested expert knowledge of mechanical engineering. If you have any further questions , please contact us.

To stay updated

By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive information from over 20 years of experience that will familiarize you with classic problems in the event of a claim.

Experience with over 2000 companies

Due to the many claims in recent years, comprehensive know-how is available in the processing of claims, processes and the associated special pressure and cost situations.